Reconstructed main thoroughfare, adding lanes, stormwater management facilities, underground utilities and repaving. This project covered nearly 4 miles of highly trafficked urban roadway, requiring the installation of over 6 miles of stormwater pipe, 246,000 CY of earthwork/embankment, a 12-acre stormwater pond, building a 22′ median with significant landscape improvements and plantings, two additional lanes on the Northern section of the road, a 5′ straight sidewalk on the north side of the road, and a meandering 5′-10′ sidewalk on the south side. Construction of a two-lane bridge over an existing creek that was constructed with zero deficiencies with tolerances as low as 0.1 “. Additional signalization and intersection improvements were included to increase safety and traffic flow. Special attention was paid to the preservation of significant trees, minimizing all impacts to the environment, and controlling access to increase safety. All of the roadways was designed and constructed within the existing right-of-way. The project was completed 6 months ahead of the original schedule.